
Sunday evening, and chicken

Yes, chicken. Which really should become something more interesting! So, a quick look around my cupboard and in the fridge reveals diced tomatos with green chilies, chicken stock, celery, carrots, onions, garlic, plus asiago cheese and spinach sausage.
This looks like the beginning of something good. The chicken is already cooked. {leftover roast chicken} So, I began by chopping two or three carrots into small dice as well as four stalks celery, including some of the leaves. Then I added some finely chopped onion and put these vegetables in a microwave container, added chicken stock to cover and zapped it on HIGH until tender. Do not drain. In a deep skillet type pan, that is well heated, I drizzled a little extra virgin olive oil and added the sausage that has been cut into chunks. Since this type of sausage is already cooked , I am interested in tossing it around so that it browns nicely. Did I mention that it is chicken sausage?? Silly me. I removed the cooked chicken from the bone and added the pieces to the pan and turned the heat down to a simmer, adding the cooked vegetables, liquid and all, and the diced tomatos with chilies, stirring to combine. Taste the broth for seasoning, and if you wish you may add more chicken stock, salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste. This is really nice served over pasta, or rice, or as a soup with crusty bread and cheese. Yum.

By the way, while reading over my shoulder, Phil noticed that I did not give any recipes for pie crust when I was discussing the preparations for Thanksgiving. I could do that, but in the end, the best way to learn about pie baking is to befriend a GREAT pie baker and then BEG for lessons, because it is my belief that it is HOW YOU HANDLE THE DOUGH that makes the difference between great crust and passable crust; with the recipe being incidental. {in other words--you can have a great recipe, and ruin the dough through improper handling} So!! Enough for right now.


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