
Fear of phylo and other kitchen encounters

I am extremely competent in the kitchen, however some patience may be required while I am getting used to this blog idea! During the past forty years, I have refined my love of cooking to the point that friends call me with problems they experience in cooking, baking, preserving, candy making--you name it.

Because my childrens' health was very important to me, I began to make bread, as well as make our own peanut butter, and jams, jellies, and cereals{remember granola?}. During that time I also baked bread for a little health food store in the area, and for the people my husband worked with. At holiday time I produced sweet breads and seasonal and Italian goodies,

There are so many pretty cookbooks on the market at this time, and I appreciate the fact that a picture can "speak a thousand words", unfortunately without the actual background in technique , a picture is of no real value. We all need to know why ingredients do what they do, and that is where I come in. I can fill in the gaps that come about after you have read a recipe, followed the instructions {frequently minimal}, and come up with something less than acceptable.